Welcome to E-WorkersComp.net an independent agency providing Workmans Comp in New Orleans, Louisiana. We help businesses, contractors and roofers find and purchase affordable insurance. To work with an agent please use our online form and submit your information. We have helped our clients to reduce their cost and can do the same for you. Some contractors have saved by as much as 37%. Request a quote using our online form, or call 800-329-2040 to speak with an agent.
- A Rated Insurers
- Stand-Alone Policies and PEO/Employee Leasing
- Lowest Rates on Most Contractor Class Codes
- Affordable Insurance for New Business, Small Business and High Experience Mod
If you are a small business or have high experience mod, PEO/Employee Leasing will offer you better cost and benefits. Many insurers do not offer individual, stand-alone policies to small businesses. They are a high risk and low reward. PEO/Employee Leasing is able to provide coverage to many small companies as a group making Workmans Comp easier to secure. If you have not heard about the benefits of PEO/Employee Leasing make sure it is on your to-do list today.
Request a free quote
Apply online or call 800-329-2040